Monday, March 05, 2007

Party Dress

Sofia had her 3rd birthday a few weeks ago (feb 18). She still has her party hat. It was quite amusing actually. A few days before her birthday, we went shopping for ballons and party hats. When we got home she wanted to wear one. I abliged, and she happily wore that hat 3 full days before her birthday, and on her birthday - which was a sunday, she insisted on wearing it to church. She proudly told everyone that it was her birthday and that she was now 3 years old.

I thought that it wearing the hat would get old, but she still insists on wearing one around the house, in spite of the itchy straps.

This photo was taken after she helped paint our "happy birthday" tribute to Alicia in Sweden. She proudly wore her "tu-tu" (thanks Auntie Mis) and party hat, dress up shoes until she puked up her strawberries and kiwi. She had been sick all week and I thought it was over until it happened again. She is now back to her normal self.

Happy Birthday Alicia

To my friend far away in Sweden! I wish I was there to celebrate your 3rd birthday with you.
I miss you and can't wait to see you again some day soon! Love Sofia

a few recent photos

Friday, March 02, 2007

birthday girl